Friday, May 3, 2013

Video of the Balzan-Skinner Lecture: "Romantic Liberalism in Southern Europe c. 1820-1850"

I am pleased to link to the video of my Balzan-Skinner Lecture, delivered at April 26, 2013, in Cambridge.

I wish to renew my thanks to all of those who attended the lecture and participated in the Colloquium.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mention of Imperial Portugal in Folha de S. Paulo

I was honored by the generous mention of my book, Imperial Portugal, in Professor Kenneth Maxwell's weekly column in the Folha de S. Paulo. You can read this week's column here. I've long admired Ken's work, from his famous Conflicts and Conspiracies to his book on Pombal to his work on the Portuguese Revolution of the '70s to his journalism and reviews, so it is a thrill that he's reading my work, to say nothing of responding to it!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013